
Count rumford observed that nine burning candles generate

Count Rumford observed that nine burning candles generate heat at the same rate that a single horse driven cannon-boring piece of equipment generates heat. James Watt observed that a single horse can raise a 300 lb weight 100 ft. in 1 minute. Using the observations of Watt and Rumford, determine the rate at which a candle generates heat.

They want the answer in Joules/min. I know 1J= (kg*m^2)/s^2. By plugging in the values above (after conversions) For the horse i get 38.62 Joule for the entire job. So would that be 38.62Joules per minute also? This is where I am stuck. I know the ration between the candle and horse, but the answer in the back of the book is different than mine, I think it is because the 38.62 J/min is wrong. Can you help clarify?

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Chemistry: Count rumford observed that nine burning candles generate
Reference No:- TGS0766326

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