
Counselors can use logic models to communicate about

· Readings

Use your Royse, Thyer, and Padgett text, Program Evaluation, to complete the following:

In Chapter 5, read the section, "How Do I Develop a Logic Model?," pages 122-125.

Use the Capella University Library to complete the following:

Read Chyung, Wisniewski, Inderbitzen, and Campbell's 2013 article, "An Improvement- and Accountability-Oriented Program Evaluation: An Evaluation of the Adventure Scouts Program," in Performance Improvement Quarterly, volume 26, issue 3, pages 87-115. This article illustrates how an after-school program was designed and evaluated, illustrating each step of the process.

Read Calley's 2009 article, "Comprehensive Program Development in Mental Health Counseling: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation," in Journal of Mental Health Counseling, volume 31, issue 1, pages 9-21.
Use the Internet to complete the following:

Read the W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide. The W. K. Kellogg Foundation makes this and other resources available to promote nonprofit agencies in planning and evaluating their programs.

As discussed in the Calley article assigned in this unit, many mental health counseling services are offered within nonprofit organizations that must demonstrate to stakeholders that their clients are improving as a result of services.

Counselors can use logic models to communicate about counseling program development and evaluation. You will try your hand at developing a logic model for your discussion in this unit.

Models and Rationales


In this discussion, you will present your ideas for your program evaluation proposal for faculty and peer feedback. This discussion is a comprehensive one and should be at least 300-400 words. Complete the following:

First, select the program evaluation model that you will be using (Chyung, Wisniewski, Inderbitzen, & Campbell, 2013, p. 92), and offer your rationale for choosing this model in one paragraph.

Next, use Steps 1-4 in Table 2 of the Chyung, Wisniewski, Inderbitzen, and Campbell article (2013, p. 93) to identify:

The evaluand (the hypothetical program to be evaluated).

The overall purpose and type of evaluation to be conducted.

The stakeholders of the program.

Finally, develop a one-page logic model for the hypothetical program you are evaluating, and upload it with your discussion post. Use the video you viewed earlier in this unit to develop your understanding of logic models. The Program Logic Model (Chyung, Wisniewski, Inderbitzen, & Campbell, 2013, p. 97) offers an example of a clear but succinct way to present a logic model for a program.

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