
Counseling in psychology basics

Question 1: Illustrate the term counseling? Describe the main purpose and goals of counseling.

Question 2: Describe the humanistic perspective on counseling.

Question 3: State the counseling process in brief.

Question 4: Explain the characteristics of a good counselor.

Question 5: Describe the directive approach to counseling.

Question 6: Illustrate the term stress? Describe the causes and consequences of the stress.

Question 7: Describe the counseling methods used for depression.

Question 8: Describe the evaluation and counseling methods used with children with learning disabilities.

Question 9: Illustrate the nature of counselor and counselee relationship.

Question 10: What do you mean by marital counseling? Justify its requirement in the present day context?

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Other Subject: Counseling in psychology basics
Reference No:- TGS04871

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