
could you please check the grammars of my essay

Could you please check the grammars of my essay and make good corrections for me? thank you, this essay is very important for my english class grade, please help me.
The essay is almost five pages

The Social Truth of Society and its Strategies

            Many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. Christopher McCandless, who had his own motives form "Into the Wild" written by Jon Krakauer, who describes this adventure that McCandless took to get lost from everyone and everything that was surrounding him.  Also, events occurring in this story show how the environment affects the mood of individuals similarly in the essay "The Power of Context" by . Both writers show various examples of how powerful the inner state can be in shaping how an individual feels. On the other hand, in Jean Twenge "An Arm of one:  Me", Twenge describes that  having a obsessive notion on the self . All of the three authors' views on society which show how nature can change a person's circumstance and how in circumstances may change the way  a person responds to certain situations. The three authors are all in some ways confirm and complicate one another's argument on people in society because they may bring upon experiences and obstacles in nature that may change the social side of one's thought, but circumstance have its own values, and people in society seem not to realize the importance of the lives of other individuals and one may learn from one another's view point in life.

            Family for many, this word evokes feelings of warmth, security, and love.  It is a solid foundation which people build their lives.  For others, family summons feelings of rejection, hurt, and failure, and for them, family becomes a net form which they must escape.  This was what   In society, people may need guidance because of the situation that they are in with no clarity or justification.  , but ran into cloudiness as well which had no explanation.  Krakauer states, "The going never gets exceedingly difficult, but the fifteen-foot-high tangle of alder pressing in form both sides is gloomy, claustrophobic, oppressive" (354).  What he is mentioning here is that in the wilderness, it is difficult for a person who runs into a situation that is closed in and no way out.  Reasons being, the current circumstance that McCandless is in shows how it does not matter where an individual is at in society, but there are always going to be troubles that a individual will run up against.  Taking McCandless view point into action and considering what he's saying can give answers to Twenge point of view about individuals and Generation Me. She speaks about, because the individuals are to self-centered and think they know it all.  In Twenge she described how one program that teachers are told to discourage children from saying they are good at something because it "makes self-esteem contingent on performance, the program authors chide.  Instead, "we want to anchor self-esteem firmly to the child...so that no matter what the performance might be, the self-esteem remains high" (766).  Often times, people are blinded by their biased nature and see only one side and idea when they are not guided and taught the importance of many things.  Therefore, both Krakauer and Twenge show how people can be blind spotted to certain outcomes.

            One thing that should be made clear when speaking about one's inner motives against the environment is that the outer environment consists of other people. These other people who make up the environment are responsible for their actions in society because there are set laws and enforcement. If the environment was solely responsible for the spike in crime rates in New York City, there would be no way the rates would decrease. There are good citizens out there as well as law enforcement. If the Broken Windows theory were true, everyone would be turning into a criminal. The inner motives of an individual take over when making decisions such as firing away at potential muggers. Krakauer wouldn't blame the environment for the death of Chris McCandless. The blame would be put on the decisions made by Chris McCandless. There was no force involved in the choices McCandless and Goetz made. Goetz chose to live in the violence-ridded neighborhood and it was McCandless' choice to go on an adventure to the Alaskan Wilderness. The past experiences and current motives of each man were the explanations behind why each man behaved the way he did. The two environments were very different but both extremely dangerous. Krakauer would suggest that the making of a man controls his actions and not what goes on around him. Not every other human being would be able to survive as long in the conditions McCandless was in. "[McCandless] became much more successful at hunting game and for the next six weeks feasted regularly on squirrel, spruce grouse, duck, goose, and porcupine (Krakauer 349). McCandless picked up skills rather quickly, which allowed him to survive in harsh conditions longer than someone who wouldn't be able to adapt to the environment. Not everyone is motivated to go on adventures such as these in the Alaskan taiga. Gladwell would view McCandless' actions and suggest that the key factor in explaining a person's actions is their adaptation to environment and current state of mind. Placement and actual location play a major role in how a person views himself. It all depends on the individual, some men wouldn't even last a week in the Alaskan wilderness because of either dying from starvation or freezing temperatures.

People in today's society have learned to worry about themselves first and then others.  However, this point of view has been a negative value in many events that have occurred concerning crimes. Twenge believes that people have been subjected to self-esteem boosts all their lives and they eventually take it upon themselves to tell themselves they are special even if they don't accomplish anything. In Twenge's, narcissism, specifically the 'type' present in Generation Me, as described by her, is the root to all violent and sadistic acts. " In a set of lab studies, narcissistic men feel less empathy for rape victims." (Twenge, 776). Twenge shows, in this study, how narcissistic individuals feel less empathy towards other human beings. She believes many criminals do not feel empathy towards others and therefore have no regret in doing what they do. This "lack of empathy", in turn, turns into violence. It is not only bad for society, it is also bad for an individual. Because if people get used to feel no empathy towards others , there will be more and more people get hurt in the society, and that habit of being arrogant will lead them to perceive a false identity.  As a matter of fact, this  'lack of empathy' is shown in the incident that Bernhard Goetz was involved in. " As the fourth member of the group, Darrel Cabey, lay screaming on the ground, Goetz walked over to him and said, "You seem all right. Here's another," before firing a fifth bullet into Cabey's spinal cord and paralyzing him for life." (Gladwell, 235). Geotz, even after shooting all four of the black youths on the train, decided on how Cabey 'felt' by himself after the shooting and shot another bullet into Cabey's spine. And, just like any typical narcissist, he felt no empathy in doing it. Geotz absolutely feels no emotion or empathy during his shooting. And, just like Goetzs' shooting incident, this 'lack of empathy' generates more sadism and violence.

          Thus, in a contemporary society like today is different for reasons you have people that want to take control over others and how the wilderness can play with some emotions of others.  Therefore, examining the facts of awareness that give light to truth is when people can realize their ignorance to others and their own.  Also, an individual's mind state makes all the difference in an individual's actions. The result of one man's actions lead to his death while another man's action lead to the potential death of others. The mind is powerful and can lead individuals to extreme actions. Eventually, people should learn to become more open-minded; however, until then one can only support their selves with their strong convictions.



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