
Could the idea be more specific or more focused what


• Develop a research topic for a business report


This unit's discussion will let you post your idea for your final report, think about the kinds of sources you may need to complete that report, and get some feedback in advance of the formal proposal for that project that is due Sunday.


Write a 250-word post in which you explain your chosen idea for the final report in which you answer the following questions:

• What organization have you chosen to write for and how are you (have you been) connected to that organization?
• What problem in that organization will you address? Why is solving this problem important to the organization?
• Who is the primary audience for the report? Are there any secondary audiences?
• What kinds of information or types of research sources do you think you will need to help your write the report?

When you reply to others' posts, you should consider:

• Does this project seem to meet the requirements of the assignment?

• Do you think the idea will be sufficient to sustain a 10 pg. report? If not, what can you suggest that will help the writer expand or narrow the idea to fit the constraints of the assignment?

• Could the idea be more specific or more focused?

• What questions do you have about their idea that would help them develop their proposal for Sunday? What would you like to know more about?

• What additional information or types of sources could be useful for this project?

You should use the feedback from your peers and instructor to write and revise your formal proposal due Sunday.

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Business Management: Could the idea be more specific or more focused what
Reference No:- TGS02345229

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