
Could team leadership focus on employee competence help to

Please respond to the following discussion questions:

Discussion Question #1

Identify 3 possible related dissertation topics related to this course

1) Leadership; Organizational Leaders and the many facets of diversity

Problems or conflict arises because of differences such as Ryan stated in the last weeks discussion disgruntled workers. Also Evelyn stated conflict will arise because of nothing. Similar to nothing is able to be to smooth in a course of each day. Conflict can be intrapersonal such as getting all the way to work only have to turn back around because the stove was left on.

Solutions for this topic is awareness ( Argosy, 2017) knowing of the differences ensures the group that their will be difference but, with the task at hand they are ready to combat the differences because of what's at stake. This in turn turns a difference or conflict in to one of success and being creative because of the so many new ideas.

2) Leadership; Organizations and various leadership componenets

Problems: unable to effectively utilize the right components of leadership when necessary can create conflict. Solutions are utilizing the right components at the right time can dwindle the conflict and create ideas for new methods.

Leadership; Conflict leader and organizations

Problem: conflict leaders trying to solve problems that aren't necessarily problems and they become problems because of the way the conflict manager and managing of how to deal with these problems. Solutions would be not having to hire external mediators for situations where a conflict manager is durable and ready to tackle situations within the organization.

Discussion #2

Could team leadership focus on employee competence help to reduce employee conflicts?

Team leadership is an important source of organization competence; most organizations have delegated power and command on teams which enhance organization learning through the teams. Team leadership is responsible for giving organizations a competitive advantage through better engagement to organization activities.

Teamwork can help rally employees together to complement each other skills and abilities to realize the goals of an organization and this could reduce conflicts among employees (Tannenbaum et al. 2013).

- How important is it for leaders to understand the personalities of employees when dealing with conflict in an organization?

The psychodynamic approach to leadership encourages understanding of employees and the leader's personality in the bid of understanding the reactions of the employees towards instructions and leadership structures. Individual personality is an important determinant of behavior and interaction of employees amongst themselves and amongst their leaders.

The ability of a leader to use psychodynamic leadership approach helps leaders to resolve problems and disagreements that might originate from amongst the employees which could lead to the rebellion of some employees. The psychodynamic approach helps solve organizational conflicts that arise due to employee's personality differences (Nohria & Khurana, 2013).

- What are strategies that a leader can use to manage diverse work group conflicts?

Organizations are made by people with different skills, personalities, and abilities; a good leader brings together the employees with different abilities to meet the objectives of an organization.

Using the psychodynamic approach to leadership and servant leadership leaders can be able to better understand their employees and solve employee conflicts by managing diverse work groups to meet unilateral organization goals and objectives (Northouse, 2013).


Northouse, P.G (2013). Leadership theory & practice (6th ed.). Sage.

Nohria, N., & Khurana, R. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of leadership theory and practice: An HBS centennial colloquium on advancing leadership. Harvard Business Press.

Tannenbaum, R., Weschler, I., & Massarik, F. (2013). Leadership and organization. Routle

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