1. Douglas Fir tree rings - excavated from a cave in Arizona. Date: 577 ± 50 years AD
2. Wood from Egyptian coffin - from the Ptolemic period based on style. Date: 200 ± 150 years BCE
3. Wood fragments from the floor of a palace in Syria - Syro-Hittite period. Date: 675 ± 50 years BCE
4. Giant Sequoia tree rings from California. Date: 979 ± 52 years BCE
5. Cedar of Lebanon fragments from funeral boat of Egyptian King Sesostris III. Date: 1843 ± 50 years BC
6. Wood from the tombs of Egyptian Kings Sneferu and Zoser. Average Date: 2650 ± 75 years BCE
7. Wood from Bristlecone Pine of White Mountains, California. Age 4731 ± 75 years
8. Pleistocene mammoth bone from La Brea Tar Pits of Los Angeles, California. Age: 12,200 ± 35 years
9. Cottage roof timber from Ireland. Date: 906 ± 35 years