
Costs of evaluating training through the uk investors

Review case Costs of evaluating training through the UK investors in peoeple (IIP) award and response below:

1. In order to calculate the ROI of this initiative what further information do you need?

2. What are the potential benefits of an initiative like Investors in People and which benefits could you realistically quantify in financial terms?

3. What are the limitations of the ROI approach to evaluation?

Review case Informal learning in a hotel context and response below:

1- To what extent dose the hotel's approach to training and development conform and/or differ to the theories and perspectives set in the chapter (Integrating learning with work)?

2- To what extent dose this case illustrate the importance of horizontal integration between HRD and HRM?

3- How feasible would it be to introduce a system that can measure the benefits of informal learning including the provision of a qualification for employees?

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Case Study: Costs of evaluating training through the uk investors
Reference No:- TGS01814124

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