
Cost of joining regional trade agreement

Question1. Explain the five main drivers of globalisation and ascertain whether they have aided to decrease the gap between the rich and poor countries.

Question2. Discuss the four criteria of evaluation framework. Please give concrete examples to ascertain their significance.

Question3. ‘One of the main reason for the choice of a joint venture as a mode of entry is that joint venture substantially alleviates problem of differing culture, language and legal system amongst other things’. Given the above, explain the benefits and costs of using a joint venture as a mode of entry in a foreign county.

Question4. “The eclectic paradigm combines elements of quite dissimilar approaches to international production, and so  it must not be misunderstood as itself another general theory: ‘precisely because of its generality, the eclectic paradigm has only limited power to describe or predict specific kinds of international production; and even less the behaviour of individual enterprises,’”(Dunning, 1988a). Explain.

Question5. Explain the benefits and costs of joining Regional Trade Agreement.

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Business Management: Cost of joining regional trade agreement
Reference No:- TGS05486

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