Cost considerations that influence panasonics choice

Assignment problem: By drawing on the relevant theory, and evidence extracted from the article, answer the following questions:

According to the article: "...Panasonic was looking at sites in Oklahoma and Kansas to build its new plant. The locations would benefit from being close to the new factory that Tesla is bringing online in Texas, where it recently established its headquarters. A committee in Oklahoma's Mayes County has been studying a proposal to "entice a business" to set up operations, according to a public document posted earlier this month, though it didn't identify the party."

1. Critically discuss the cost considerations or factors that would influence Panasonic's choice of a location for its new U.S factory, provide evidence from the article to buttress your discussion.

2. The article indicates that Panasonic's new U.S. factory will employ a competitive strategy that combines the strategy options of differentiation, low-cost leadership and response. By extracting evidence from the article, discuss each of these strategy options in relations to Panasonic's new U.S. factors.

Article: Panasonic Scouts U.S. Sites for New Tesla Battery Factory By Edward Ludlow, River Davis and Gabrielle Coppola

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