
Cosc363 computer graphics assignment - a 3d model gallery

Computer Graphics Assignment - A 3D Model Gallery

1. Task Description - In this assignment, you will develop an OpenGL-2 program to generate a three-dimensional scene consisting of a mini model gallery where a set of animated models are displayed. The assignment task can be broadly divided into four sections:

Minimum requirements: The scene should contain a set of minimum features.

Extra features: You can implement a set of extra features. A few examples of such features are given below.

Rendering quality: Rendering quality of the scene, including animations.

Report: You should also prepare a brief report containing a few screenshots and the details of extra features that you have implemented.

2. Minimum Requirements -

2.1. When the program is run, the opening scene should display a building. Optionally the scene could also include any relevant features such as roads, simple models of characters or vehicles.

2.2. The building should contain at least eight polygonal faces. It may be constructed using vertex/polygon definitions or by combining GLUT objects or by using surface modelling methods (surfaces of extrusion, surface of revolution etc.). The building should have an entrance into the interior where the models are displayed.

2.3. The opening scene should contain a sky box.

2.4. In the opening scene, the viewer must be able to navigate the camera using arrow keys to the interior of the building. The up and down arrow keys must move the camera forward and backward respectively, the left arrow key should change the direction of motion towards left by a certain angle, and the right arrow key should change the direction of motion towards right. You may define additional functions for processing keyboard, special key, and mouse inputs as needed. Please do not use passive mouse motion function.

2.5. The scene inside the building should contain at least five animated models designed by you. Using arrow keys, you should be able to move the camera to each of the animated models. It is not required to implement functions for collision detection. The requirements for the models are outlined below.

(I) One of the models must be constructed using a minimum of three GLUT objects.

(II) At least one of the models must be generated as a surface of revolution.

(III) At least one of the models must be a simple character model (human, animal, insect, fish, bird etc.). This model may be generated using GLUT objects or polygon definitions. The character model should move continuously along a predefined path.

2.6. There must be at least two light sources in the scene, and at least two objects must have specular reflections.

2.7. In addition to the sky box, at least three more textures must be used in the scene. It is not necessary to texture-map all surfaces.

3. Extra Features and Marks -

A list of possible features, and the approximate marks they would each gain if implemented correctly is as follows.

  • Planar shadows cast by at least one object
  • A spot light on a moving/rotating object. The movement of the light should be clearly visible. One of the two light sources in the scene can be used as a spotlight.
  • Two camera modes: The first camera mode gives a general (default) view of the scene as described in 2.4 above. The second camera mode, when selected, should show the view from an animated character model (first-person view). The key 'F1' should be used to switch between the two modes.
  • Physics models (eg. gravity). Give relevant equations in your report.
  • A surface shape generated using a mathematical formula (eg. paraboloids)
  • Collision detection
  • Particle systems

4. Report

The report should include the following:

  • Your name and student number
  • A brief description of your scene (One paragraph)
  • At least two screenshots showing the exterior and interior views of the model gallery.
  • A description of each extra feature implemented, including any relevant equations.
  • A description of models generated by you, including any diagrams, sketches etc used in their design.
  • You may also discuss any special challenges faced and how you solved those problems.
  • A full list of control functions (keyboard, mouse, special keys) defined for interacting with the scene.
  • All resources and references used in your work must be cited/acknowledged in the report.

You may include more than 3 pages in the report, only if absolutely necessary.

5. Program Development

Please do not use source codes of demo programs found on the Internet, books and other OpenGL resources. You may use images and libraries (eg JPEG loader) if there are no copyright restrictions. Please check this carefully and acknowledge the source in your report.

Develop your program in C/C++ language using only OpenGL 2 API. Please do not use OpenGL 4 code (vertex/fragment shaders etc), or other libraries, extensions (eg. ARB, EXT etc) that are not part of the standard OpenGL-2 API

You may use parts of lab code and resources (models, images, image loading functions). Models and animations developed in the lab will give you marks only if significant changes or enhancements have been made to them.

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