
Cos30016hit3037 programming in java - develop and re-wrap

Assignment - Interactive MCQ Application


This is an extended assignment from assignment 1 where you will need to further develop and re-wrap the trivial console application into a GUI Application which allows the users to perform similar operations as indicated in assignment 1 handout.

General Requirements

The GUI application should provide all developed functionalities which available in the trivial console application developed in assignment 1. The GUI application should adhere with all general requirement stated in assignment 1 handout as well.

The application should comply with product quality i.e. usability, accuracy and maintainability. The application should be easy to use and DO NOT confuse user with over nested pop-up screens or respond message. You must write and maintain your code neatly and consistently with Swinburne Java Coding Standard.

Functional Requirements
The GUI application should have the following functionalities:

1. Create, view, edit and delete a question.
2. Develop, view, edit and delete a question set.
3. Attempt a question set
4. Review past attempt
5. Search related question by keyword
6. Generate summary (or statistical report):
a. Question & Question Set Summary Report
b. Student Report Card (Overall attempts)
c. Student Attempt Review Report (Each attempt)
7. Automatically read and write data (upon startup and after an operation)

Non-Functional Requirements

The GUI application should comply with the following quality attributes:

1. Usability
The navigation of application developed should be user friendly (i.e. breadcrumb navigation method) to ease user in using the application. Text displayed and error message should be clear and understandable by non-technical users. All information and data shall be display or layout in a clean and tidy manner. At least 90% of users should have no problem and happy when using the application.

2. Accuracy
All marks computation accuracy rate must be 100% accurate

3. Maintainability
All source code shall be written by following Swinburne Java Coding Standard. Conventional Coding Standard is acceptable as well if the code is clean and readable. Comment should be provided within the source code when necessary. All Classes and Methods must have a header and documentation should be produce with JavaDoc. The code must be targeted to run on a JDK 1.5 or higher JVM. Code submitted must compile without any errors. Complex methods must be commented in JavaDoc format.

Appropriately Demonstrates & Applies Object Oriented Programming and other Concepts Learned
1. Class identification
2. Encapsulation
3. Object collaboration
4. Inheritance
5. Exception handling
6. File I/O (for persistent data storage)
7. Collections
8. Interface
9. GUI Programming (AWT & Swing Components)
a. Components
b. LayoutManager
c. Menu Bar
10. Event Handling
a. ActionListener
b. MouseListener
c. Other Listener
11. Dialog
12. Graphics (i.e. Custom Chart)
13. Animation (i.e. Custom Chart, simulator)

Application Documentation

You must include the following item as part of submission:

1. Application navigation map / flow for GUI Application

2. Documentation (JavaDoc)

3. Application architectural, configuration and guideline (if any)

Submission Requirements

1. Application's source code. You must submit all source code files as a single ZIP file, no sub- directories are allowed. If you have sub-directories in the ZIP file, the automated script will not be able to compile and run your submission.

2. Application navigation map / flow for GUI Application

3. JavaDoc

4. Application architectural, configuration and guideline (MS-Word if any)

5. 6 marks deduction per day impose for late submission (including weekend).

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JAVA Programming: Cos30016hit3037 programming in java - develop and re-wrap
Reference No:- TGS01666996

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