This is the data table about my city that I live in 1990 and 2000 and difference
1990 2000 Difference
Total Population 38,372 40,072 1,700
Males 18,277 19,385 1,108
Females 20,095 20,687 592
Number of people over 18 years of age 29,437 30,534 1,097
Number of people under 18 years of age 8,935 11,377 2,442
Number of people 65 years of age and older 5,313 5,474 161
Number of owner-occupied housing units 7,056 8,295 1,239
Median value of owner-occupied housing units 136,000 133,400 2,600
Number of renter-occupied housing units 4,592 4,738 146
Median value of renter-occupied housing units 450 590 140
Round the total population of your community
Tell why you decided to round to this place. Give 1 to 3 sentences of explanation.
I am not asking you about how to round. I want to know why you chose that particular place value.
Does the age of people in your community seem to be increasing, decreasing, or staying the same?
Please explain using the information from the table. Give 2 to 4 sentences of explanation.
What impact will this have, if any, on the services your community will need to provide to its citizens? Give 2 to 4 sentences of explanation.
Compare the change in total population between 1990 and 2000 with the change in number of units of owner-occupied and renter-occupied housing information. Describe any correspondence between the population information and the housing information, and how one may affect the other. Give 2 to 4 sentences of explanation.
What information from this table do you find to be most interesting? Give 2 to 4 sentences of explanation.