
Correlation in two variables- resilience and procrastination

Problem: Read these Articles:

1. Ko, C.-Y. A., & Chang, Y. (2019). Investigating the relationships among resilience, social anxiety, and procrastination in a sample of college students. Psychological Reports, 122(1), 231-245.

2. de la Fuente, J., Santos, F. H., Garzón-Umerenkova, A., Fadda, S., Solinas, G., & Pignata, S. (2021). Cross-sectional study of resilience, positivity and coping strategies as predictors of engagement-burnout in undergraduate students: Implications for prevention and treatment in mental well-being. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.

3. Oprins E, Kamphuis W, Westerveld L, Huybens W, Börjesson M, Johansson E, Aalto H. Predictive validity of a selection instrument measuring resilience: The INSPIRE resilience scale. Mil Psychol. 2024 Jan 2;36(1):58-68.

4. Pashak, T. J., Tunstull, M. D., Booms, A. V., Vanderstelt, B. H., & Handal, P. J. (2023). Trauma resilience on campus: The moderating effect of developmental assets in the link between trauma exposure and posttraumatic symptomatology in college emerging adults. Traumatology, 29(3), 352-360.

5. Shin, Y., & Kelly, K. R. (2015). Resilience and decision-making strategies as predictors of career decision difficulties. The Career Development Quarterly, 63(4), 291-305.

6. Rahimi, S., Hall, N. C., & Sticca, F. (2023). Understanding academic procrastination: A Longitudinal analysis of procrastination and emotions in undergraduate and graduate students. Motivation and Emotion, 47(4), 554-574.

7. Svartdal, F. (2017). Measuring procrastination: Psychometric properties of the Norwegian versions of the Irrational Procrastination Scale (IPS) and the Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS). Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61(1), 18-30.

8. Abdollahi, A., Maleki Farab, N., Panahipour, S., & Allen, K. A. (2020). Academic hardiness as a moderator between evaluative concerns perfectionism and academic procrastination in students. The Journal of Genetic Psychology: Research and Theory on Human Development, 181(5), 365-374.

QUESTION: Describe the objectives and significance of the proposed research above. (BETWEEN the correlation between two variables: Resilience and Procrastination)

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