Overview and Sources - Racial Democracy in Brazil
Response to the following :
A few theories that could be expanded to "prove" the idea of racial democracy in Brazil as a myth:
1. Economic poverty and skin color are correlated in Brazil's 2000 census results (Available at: www.ibge.gov.br /home /estatistica/ populacao/censo2000/ populacao/religiao_Censo2000.pdf). If you read comparisons of the previous government census results, you will see a "whitening" of Brazil largely based on self-classification changes among Afro-Brazilian from brown to white.
2. Develop an explanation of the strong correlation between a "whiter" appearance and a higher income, and status. Look for statistics that show that few blacks reach the level of wealth, power that lighter-skinned Brazilians have.
3. Cite examples, even if they are anecdotal, that illustrate cultural "rules" that support the advancement and/or superiority of light-skinned people over the darker-skinned. Look for examples real-world racial restrictions like: law enforcement targeting dark-skinned Brazilians, unspoken attitudes expressed in movies, TV and advertising, or list euphemisms that are used in the general lexicon that are subtly racist.plaining the "myth" of racial democracy in Brazil.