
Correctly use and interpret health terminology that


1. A) Basic structure
Label this diagram of a cell with the following terms.

Golgi apparatus


Rough endoplasmic reticulum


Plasma membrane





B) List three (3) functions of the cell.

C) Explain the relationship between the cell and the tissue.

D) For each of the following tissue types. briefly explain its structure. function. and provide at least one example of where it is located in the human body.

E) Explain the relationship between the tissues and the organs.

F) Give ten (10) examples of organs in the human body.

G) List the structure and function of the following organs.

2. A) Label this diagram of the vasculature with the following terms.

Superior vena cava                        Median cubital vein                        Renal artery

Cephalic vein                                Common carotid artery

3. A) Basic structure: The repository system

Label this diagram of the upper airways with the following terms
- Larynx
- Nostril
- Trachea
- Lungs
- Pharynx
- Diaphragm
- Nasal cavity
- Right lung
- Mouth

B) Label this diagram of a lung with the following terms.
- Secondary bronchi
- Primary bronchi
- Alveoli
- Larynx
- Bronchioles
- Tertiary bronchi
- Trachea

4. A) Basic structure: The musculoskeletal system
Label both diagrams of the muscles (anterior and posterior view with the following terms.

-Latissimus dorsi
-Rectus abdominis
-Tibialis anterior
-Triceps brachii
-Pectoralis major
-Quadriceps lemons
-Gluteus maximus
-Pronator teres
-Biceps brachii
-Rotator cuff
-Abdominal external oblique
-Biceps femoris
-Abductor muscles

B) What are three (3) functions of the muscles.

C) Provide one (I) example of where each of the following muscle types is located in the body:

D) Label this diagram of the skeletal system with the following terms.- Clavicle
- Humerus
- Patella
- Scapula
- Carpals
- Sternum
- Vertebrae
- Femur
- Metacarpals
- Radius
- Skill
- Pelvic girdle
- Ulna
- Metatarsals
- Fibula
- Phalanges
- Rib
- Tibia
- Tarsals
- Mandible

E) What are three (3) functions of the skeletal system:

F) Provide two (2) examples of where each of the following types of bones are located in the human body.
Long bones
Irregular bones
Short bones
Flat bones
Sesamoid bones

5. A) The endocrine system
Label this diagram of the endocrine system with the following terms.
- Hypothalamus
- Pineal gland
- Pituitary gland
- Parathyroid gland
- Thyroid gland
- Thymus
- Adrenal gland
- Pancreas
- Ovary
- Testis

B) What is the function of the endocrine system?

C) Complete this table, 2 examples are given.

Hormone Group
and Examples


Catecholamines (e.g. adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine)

Amino acid-

Thyroid hormones (e.g. thyroxine. triiodothyronine. tetra iodothyronine, calcitonin, parathyroid hormone)

Amino acid-

1 Anterior pituitary hormones (e.g. luteinising hormone, prolactin, growth hormone)


Posterior pituitary hormones (e.g. antidiuretic hormones. oxytocin

Peptide- /

Pancreatic hormones (e.g. insulin. glycogen)

Peptide- I

Steroid hormones (e.g. androgen / testosterone, progesterone. oestrogen, cortisol, aldosterone)


Hypothalamic hormones (e.g. corticotropin-releasing hormone,                                                    .
gonadotropin-releasing hormone. growth hormone-releasing hormone. prolactin-releasing hormone)


6. A) The digestive system Basic structure
Label this diagram of the digestive system with the following terms.
Large intestine
Small intestine
Salivary glands

B) What is the function of the digestive system?

C) Explain the relationship between the endocrine system and the digestive system.

7. A)The urinary system basic structure

Label this diagram of the urinary system with the following terms.
-Right kidney


A) The reproductive systems Label this diagram of the male reproductive system with the following terms.

- Vas deferens
- Epididymis
- Prostate
- Glans penis
- Testis
- Scrotum
- Seminal vesicle
- Bladder
- Foreskin
- Urethral opening
- Pubic bone
- Corpus Cavernosum
- Penis

B) Label this diagram of the female reproductive system with the following terms.
- Ovaries
- Fallopian tubes
- Cervix
- Uterus
- Vagina

C) List two (2) functions of the male reproductive system and two (2) functions of the female reproductive system.

9. A) The Integumentary system
Label this diagram of the integumentary system with the following terms.
- Dermis
- Epidermis
- Follicle
- Sweat gland
- Melanocytes
- Hypodermis
- Blood vessels
- Sebaceous gland

B) List five (5) functions of the integumentary system.

C) Explain how the skin contributes to the maintenance of body temperature.

D) How does the skin help to protect the body from infection?
Give examples of the skin's chemical, physical and biological barriers.

10. A) The lymphatic and immune systems
Label this diagram of the lymphatic system with the following terms.
- Thymus
- Bone marrow
- Spleen
- Lymph nodes
- Lymph vessel
- Tonsil
- Right lymphatic duct
- Adenoid

B) List three (3) functions of the lymphatic system.

C) What is the primary function of the immune system?

D) Explain how the lymphatic system - and particularly the spleen - works with the immune system to protect the body from infection.

11. A) The nervous and sensory systems

Label this diagram of the nervous system with the following terms
- Brain
- Nerve
- Ganglion
- Spinal cord

B) Label this diagram of the brain with the following terms.
- Cerebrum
- Medulla oblongata
- Midbrain
- Pons

C) Ust and describe two (2) functions of the nervous system.

D) Label this diagram of the eye with the following terms.
- Spinal cord
- Cerebellum
- Cornea
- Pupil
- Choroid
- Blood vessels
- Lens
- Optic disc
- Iris
- Optic nerve
- Sclera
- Retina
- Muscle

E) What is the primary function of the eye?

F) Label this diagram of the auditory system (ear) with the following terms.
- Cochlear nerve
- Tympanic membrane
- Malleus
- Semicircular canals
- Round window
- Incus
- Stapes
- External auditory canal
- Eustachian tube
- Cochlea
- Vestibular nerve

G) What is the primary function of the ear?

H) List the five (5) 'special senses', and the organ which allow us to perceive these senses.

12. Name 10 processes, conditions and/ or resources required by the body to support healthy function

13. Ust some of the ways the body protects itself from infection. Ensure you discuss innote defences and specific defences in your response.

14. Why is 'active' physical activity important to human health? Select one

A. Controls weight
B. Strengthens the bones and muscles
C. Improves psychological wellbeing
D. Increases length of life
E. All of Above

15. What is 'passive' physical activity? Explain this in terms of 'basal metabolic rate.


Healthy Body Report

Students are to write a report on a healthy body. ensuring they address each of the following requirements:
- Correctly use and interpret health terminology that describes the normal structure, function and location of the major body systems
- Evaluate how the relationships between different body systems affect and support healthy functioning
- Correctly use and interpret information that relates to the interrelationships between major components of each body system and other structures

Review factors that contribute to maintenance of a healthy body

Review the Australian Government and how it enhances the quality of work activities by using and sharing information about healthy functioning of the body

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Dissertation: Correctly use and interpret health terminology that
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