Assignment task:
Corrective Action Plan To fulfill the Joint Commission Standards, the hospital must take corrective action on two recognized performance areas. Here's a list of recommendations for each of these areas: UP.01.01.01 EP 2 Corrective Plan: Recommended Action: Action Steps: Create a list of required things for each procedure as an additional policy component, including relevant documentation, labeled diagnostic and radiological test findings, and all necessary blood products and instruments for the procedure. To ensure that the verification is carried out on each patient on a regular basis, the hospital will review and check the documentation completed during procedures. Metric: The number of completed lists per operation by month. Who's Responsible: The manager of surgical services will be responsible for evaluating the metrics and the verification process during the procedure will be done by the nurse or assisting doctor. Evaluation: This activity will take effect instantly and will be measured and reviewed in 30 days. This study source was. Looking for Online Tutoring?