
Correct the given essay- throughout a persons life they

Correct the given essay.

Throughout a person's life, they only remember that horrible thing and says that happened to them and forget the great thing that another person does with a single horrible thing that happens to them. That ideal message is showed greatly throughout society shown through a fiction novel book by William Golding called the Lord of the Flies and a play by Arthur Miller about the Salem witch trials that happened around the 1950s called The Crucible. William Golding forces that living in a society without laws and order, humans show their natural selfish, evil, and brutal.

The Lord of the Flies a fiction novel written by William Golding. William Golding said once stated, "It is the ordered society which keeps us in shape and which enables us to show our bright side. Take away these sanctions, and we fall into the dark side." But Arthur Miller shows through his copyrighted play that people that things like rumors and selfish of a single person can cause people to see their natural side even in a society. Both Arthur Miller and William Golding saw that humans are naturally selfish, but Golding only saw that when there is a society, but Miller saw it even with a society a single problem can cause the distortion of a society, no matter how large it is or loyal to one another. Throughout societies, their fall does not occur with war and violence, but with words that spread like wildfire because when a rumor starts, people will fear others without knowing who started it and after that, they would only look out for themselves.

One deadly cause of the distortion of a society is the distortion of the loyalty of one another which is caused by the rumors one says. Arthur Miller expresses the history of the Salem witch trials in 1962 into a play. Throughout The Crucible, the play he wrote, describes that the struggle of a rumor spreading through the town of Salem: "Parris: Thomas, Thomas, I pray you, leap not to witchcraft. I know that you - you least of all, Thomas, would ever wish so disastrous a charge laid upon me. We cannot leap to witchcraft. They will howl me out of Salem for such corruption in my house." Parris was the priest of the town and during that time, they were very into religion and when a sign of a devil comes into their town.

They believed that it was the priest fault for being the devil and they were going to blame the priest because they don't know who started the witchcraft. But Parris had an idea who to started it: "Abigail: Uncle, the rumor of witchcraft is all about; I think you'd best go down and deny it yourself. The parlor's packed with people, sir. I'll sit with her. Parris, pressed, turns on her: And what shall I say to them? That my daughter and my niece, I discovered dancing like heathen in the forest?(The Crucible)." Parris who that his niece and his daughter were included in the start of the witchcraft. Parris is the kind of men that care about his reputation and if the rumor starts that his niece and his daughter were associated with the devil, it would destroy his whole reputation. And he was going to allow the rumor of witchcraft and allow that to terrorize the whole town rather than he says the true about his niece and his daughter were associated with the devil with other girls. This shows that people will ignore the true to keep their reputation even allowing the increase the fear throughout the town.

People every day only look out for themselves and if another person is not respectful to that person, then their whole time will be taking the other down. Later in act 1 of The Crucible, Parris and Another reverend by the name of Hale were interrogating a slave that work in Parris' house: "Tituba, in a fury: "‘ Look! I have white people belong to me.' And I look - and there was Goody Good. Tituba, rocking and weeping: Aye, sir, and Goody Osburn (The Crucible)." Later, the people of the Salem who that Parris' niece was included in the witchcraft, but she throws the blame away from herself and blamed the slave that worked for them, but the slave, Tituba was also smart and throw the blame to other people. Both of them blamed the person they chose because the people they chose looked like witches and some had some connection to the devil.

During 3 act, people in fear of people being called witches, and no one knows who the real witches are:"Mary Warren, hysterically, pointing at Proctor, fearful of him: My name, he want my name. "‘I'll murder you,' he says, ‘if my wife hangs! We must go and overthrow the court,' he says!" They are just getting the activations for the girls that said to be possessed by the devil. The girls could say that a person is a witch and they would have been charged out witchcraft and hanged. But Mary Warren was loyal to Proctor, a farmer and a respected person of the society, and his wife, who had been charged with witchcraft. And at the beginning Mary Warren was going to testify to save Proctor's wife, but when later, she discovered that she could be hanged for witchcraft. So she forgot about saving Proctor's wife and saved herself by says that Proctor was associating with the devil. Even when people want to save other, but when it comes that it will affect their life, they would forget everyone else, and only care about themselves.

People every day only look out for themselves and if another person is not respectful to that person, then their whole time will be taking the other down. This was showed by a fiction novel by William Golding, showing the struggles of group kids that were on a deserted island without adults and laws: "There isn't anyone to help you. Only me. And I'm the Beast. . . . Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! . . You knew, didn't you? Am I part of you? Close, close, close! I'm the reason why it's no gone? Why things are the way they are"(Lord of the Flies)? The Lord of the Flies a devil said these works to Simon when he was hallucinating. These words confirm Simon's speculation that was shown in previous chapters when they had the meet about the beast that the beast is part of the boys themselves.

This idea of the evil on the island being the boys is central of innate human savagery. Simon, started by making his discovery, tries to convey it to the rest of the boys, but the evil and savagery within them boil to the surface, as they mistake him for the beast itself, set upon him, and kill him which was also foreshadowing. The beast shows that it is human nature trails that a person will look for himself after something happens to him and forgot about everyone else. The group of kids was surviving, knowing that there is a breast among them and they were living without a fire: "Piggy handed Ralph his glasses and waited to receive back his sight. The wood was damp, and this was the third time they had lighted it.

Ralph stood back, speaking to himself. "We don't want another night without fire (Lord of the Flies)." The group of kids was split into two groups: one that was more civilized and one that was more savage. And both groups were sleeping in the dark and the group that was more savage were tired of sleeping in the dark so they took Ralph's glasses to make the fire, but Ralph need his glasses to saw. The savage group did not care about Ralph ability to see, they only cared about their needs. People will always go back to their nature trail which is that people will always look out for themselves before looking out for others.

The fall of the society starts when people start going back to their nature behavior and lead to the fall of a society because when a rumor starts, people will fear others without knowing who started it and after that, they would only look out for themselves. Both Arthur Miller and William Golding saw that through their books by showing that people start showing their nature behaviors by starts with a single problem, for example, a rumor that was the case for The Crucible. When people do not know who is starting the problem or "the rumor," they start going into their nature behavior.

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