Corporate Social Responsibilities in your book has expanded the shareholder premise. If you were chairman of the board which 8 would you consider in your corporate audit?
Ethical Business Behavior
1. Engages in fair and honest business practices in its relationship with stakeholders.
2. Sets high standards of behavior for all employees.
3. Exercise ethical oversight of the executive and board levels.
Stakeholder Commitment
4. Strives to manage the company for the benefit of all stakeholders.
5. Initiates and engages in genuine dialogue with stakeholders.
6. Values and implements dialogue.
7. Foresters a reciprocal relationship between the corporation and community.
8. Invests in the communities in which the corporation operates.
9. Respects the rights of consumers.
10. Offers quality products and services
11. Provides information that is truthful and useful
12. Provides a family-friendly work environment
13. Engages in responsible human resources management
14. Provides an equitable reward and wage system for employees.
15. Engages in open and flexible communication with employees
16. Invests in employee-development
17. Strives for a competitive return on investment
18. Engages in fair trading practices with suppliers
Environment Commitment
19. Demonstrates a commitment to the environment
20. Demonstrates a commitment to sustainable development