Convert the projectedraises class to an interactive

Programming Excercises. Chapter 2 page 97 Microsoft Visual C# 2015

Write a C# program named MilesToKilometers that declares a named constant that holds the number of kilometers in a mile: 1.6. Also declare a variable to represent a distance in miles, and assign a value. Display the distance in both miles and kilometers- for example, 3 miles is 4.8 kilometers.

Convert the MilesToKilometers class to an interactive application named MilesToKilometerslnteractive. Instead of assigning a value to the miles variable, accept the value from the user as input.

Write a C# program named ProjectedRaises that includes a named constant representing next year's anticipated 4 percent raise for each employee in a company.

Also declare variables to represent the current salaries for three employees. Assign values to the variables, and display, with explanatory text, next year's salary for each employee.

Convert the ProjectedRaises class to an interactive application named ProjectedRaisesInteractive. Instead of assigning values to the salaries, accept them from the user as input.

Cramer Car Rental charges $20 per day plus 25 cents per mile. Write a program named CarRental that prompts a user for and accepts a number of days and miles driven and displays the total rental fee.

Write a program named HoursAndMinutes that declares a minutes variable to represent minutes worked on a job, and assign a value to it. Display the value in hours and minutes. For example, 197 minutes becomes 3 hours and 17 minutes.

Write a program named Eggs that declares four variables to hold the number of eggs produced in a month by each of four chickens, and assign a value to each variable. Sum the eggs, then display the total in dozens and eggs. For example, a total of 127 eggs is 10 dozen and 7 eggs.

Modify the Eggs program to create a new one named EggsInteractive that prompts the user for and accepts a number of eggs for each chicken.

Write a program named Dollars that calculates and displays the conversion of an entered number of dollars into currency denominations-20s, 10s, 5s, and 1s.

Write a program named Tests that declares five variables to hold scores for five tests you have taken, and assign a value to each variable. Display the average of the test scores to two decimal places. 15. Modify the Tests program to create a new one named TestsInteractive that accepts five test scores from a user.

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Computer Engineering: Convert the projectedraises class to an interactive
Reference No:- TGS02900859

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