Please show work if you can. You can also send a picture of it if that's easier.
1. Convert the following MIPS instructions into machine instructions in hexadecimal form. Show every step in the conversion.
ADD $t0,$s3,$s2
SRL $s5, $s2, 3
ADDI $s5, $t2, -10
LW $t0, 100($s3)
2. Convert the following machine instructions into MIPS instructions.
3. Convert the following C program to MIPS program. Assuming that i, j, k, f, are stored in registers $s0, $s1, $s2, $s3 already.
1) f = i - (j - k);
2) f = j + ( i - 12 );
3) f = -i + (j - 5); (Hint: $zero)
4) f = i*8; (MUL instruction is not allowed. Hint: relationship between multiplication and shift)
5) f = i/4 + 3;
6) f = i;
7) f = - i;
8) f = - - i;