
Convert temperature in kelvin in column a into

1) In Fu and Suuberg, Environ Toxicol Chem., 2012 March, 31(3): 574-578, one can find vapor pressure data for tetrabromobisphenol A.  Tetrabromobisphenol A has long been a precursor to both pharmaceuticals and specialty polymers, but is being legislated out of existence because "based on other evidence -- largely from animal studies -- the FDA expressed "some concern" about the potential effects of bisphenol A and its derivatives on the brain, behavior, and prostate glands in fetuses, infants, and young children" (www.webmd.com/children/bpa). Part of the documentation process regarding tetrabromobisphenol A's environmental, safety, and health is to measure its relatively low vapor pressure.  In rawvaporpressuredata.xls, you have a set of temperatures in Kelvin and a set of tetrabromobisphenol A vapor pressures in Pascals. 

A) Convert temperature in Kelvin in column A into 1000/Temperature (K-1) in column D. Do a unit conversion from Pascals of tetrabromobisphenol A pressure in column B to mm Hg of tetrabromobisphenol A pressure in column C. 1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 101325 Pa. Take the base 10 logarithm of the numbers in column C, and put the results in column E. 

B) Plot columns D and E. Label the axes, do the usual work to make the plot presentable, and title the plot "Vapor Pressure of Tetrabromobisphenol A". Add an Excel trend line to the plot, and edit the corresponding equation such that it is in the form:

log(Pressure, P, in mm Hg) = -[(B ± dB)/1000]*(1000/T) + (A ± dA)

C) Use DataFit to estimate B, dB, A, and dA, using either linear or nonlinear regression.

Show any work here.  Update the equation on your plot from part 1C to list your results for 1D, along with the appropriate number of significant figures for B, dB, A, and dA.

D) In column F, calculate Temperature, T (oC) from the temperatures in Kelvin in column A of the spreadsheet.  Then use DataFit to find A, B, C, and their errors for the Antoine constants for tetrabromobisphenol A.

log(Pressure, P, mm Hg) = (A ± dA) - (B ± dB)/(T + (C ± dC))

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Dissertation: Convert temperature in kelvin in column a into
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