
Convert singly linked list into circular linked list

Question 1) Write a program to concatenate two linked lists.

Question 2) Write a program to convert singly linked list into circular linked list.

Question 3) Write a program to create single linked list of integers, where the new node has to be inserted in such a way that the list is always sorted in ascending order.

Question 4) Write a program to count the maximum, minimum, sum, average and count of the values stored in the linked list of integers.

Question 5) X points to the first node of the singly linked list. Search the first occurrence of ITEM in the list and split the list into two, so that y points to the sublist beginning with ITEM.

Question 6) Write a program that creates a linked list of characters from a string entered by the user. Your program is then to remove a number of consecutive elements from the linked list(in effect removing a sub-string from the string entered). This is to be achieved by the user entering two integers. The first of which will represent an index (counting from zero) into the linked list, and the second will represent the number of elements to be removed. For example, if the user enters the following string (without the quotes):

"I do not love C"

and then enters the two integers 2 and 7, the program will output (without the quotes):

"I love C"

Your program is to use only one linked list.

Question 7) Write a program to sort linked list of integers using insertion sort technique.

Question 8) Write a program to implement the doubly linked list and implement the following functions:

• add the node in beginning

• add the node after the given element in the list

• add the node before the given element in the list

• add the node at the position given by the user.

• add the node at end

• display the list

• delete the element from the beginning

• delete the element from the end

• delete the element from specified position.

• delete the element given by the user.

• Search an item in the list.

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C/C++ Programming: Convert singly linked list into circular linked list
Reference No:- TGS04920

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