Discuss the below:
Q: Convert the program to this text to allow the program to print out each word of the input sentence to a separate line of a file called words.txt. After this, create another program that could be used to take the words in words.txt and recreate the original sentence - this time printing the result to the screen. Please write well commented code.
import jaya.io.*;
import java util *;
class Tokens{
static BufferedReader keyboard = near
BufferedRealer(new InputStrearnReader(System in));
public static void main (String [1 args) throws I0Exception{
StringTokenizer data;
System out.println("Enter your s enten c e:"); String th eSentence = keybo ard.readLineQ;
data = new StringTokenizer (th eSentence);
System out plinth ('No of words = " + data countTo kens 0);