Convert 010112 to decimal using he conventional polynomial

Computer Logic & Architecture

1 a) Convert 0.10112 to decimal using he conventional polynomial method.
b) Convert 0.10112 to decimal using the radix multiply method.

2 a) Convert 0.4510 to binary using he conventional polynomial method. =4x10-1 +5x102 = 0.011100
b) Convert 0.4510 to binary using the radix multiply method.

3 a) Convert 1011010.101112 to octal.
b) Convert 132.568 to binary.

4 a) Convert 1011010.101112 to hexadecimal.
b) Convert = 5A.E815 to binary.

5 a) Convert 16410 to binary using the conventional polynomial method.
b) Convert 16410 to binary using the radix divide method.

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Computer Engineering: Convert 010112 to decimal using he conventional polynomial
Reference No:- TGS01043381

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