
Conversation between solomon, job and the teacher

Problem: For this week's discussion you will need to be a bit creative and you will need to carefully read Longman's chapters on Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes and the assigned readings from those biblical books. You are going to imagine and write conversation between Solomon (the voice of Proverbs), Job (the voice of the book named after him) and "The Teacher" (the voice of Ecclesiastes). Each person or voice must speak at least three times during the conversation and you must use something from the book associated with them to justify the words you have them saying. I'm giving you an example of what you are to do from Matthew Schlimm's book, This Strange and Sacred Scripture Download This Strange and Sacred Scripture, where he imagines a conversation between Ruth and Ezra. The topic of the conversation is the suffering of the innocent and you are to supply the words that each person would say based on Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes (Longman will help you here)

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Reference No:- TGS03261851

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