
Conventional sources of energy

Answer the given questions:

Question 1: Describe different non-renewable energy resources and their reserves.

Question 2: Where is the main fossil fuel reserves located?

Question 3: Give a detail account of the energy scenario of developing country.

Question 4: What do you mean by the given terms:

a) Calorific value
b) Crude oil
c) Diesel fuel
d) Bitumen
e) Gastification
f) Hydrocarbon fuel
g) LPG and SNG

Question 5: Fill in the blanks:

a) The full form of OPEC is ……….

b) Maximum electricity generation in our country takes place by ……….. power plants.

c) Main coal reserves of the world lie in ………., ………… and ………

d) Natural gas is mostly having ………….. gas.

e) Radio-active materials mined for the nuclear energy are ………… and ………..

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Other Subject: Conventional sources of energy
Reference No:- TGS08152

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