
Conventional file processing

Question 1: Explain the Concept of Conventional File Processing with and illustration in detail. Illustrate the pros and cons of it.

Question 2: Illustrate the differences between Sequential; Indexed Sequential and direct access File organization.

Question 3: What are the tools of Oracle? Compare and Contrast SQL and PL/SQL. As well describe the given DDL commands.


Question 4: How do you map the Conceptual Data Model into Relational Data Model?

Question 5: What do you mean by recovery? What are the different remedies taken for recovering the database? Describe.

Question 6: What are the Costs and advantages for developing and implementing a database?

Question 7: Illustrate the terms File, Field, Record, Primary Key and Secondary Key in brief with an illustration.

Question 8: Describe One-to-Many recursive association and Many-to-Many recursive associations.

Question 9: What do you mean by Tree data structure? Describe the logic for the construction of the B-Tree.

Question 10: Describe Hierarchical Data Model with a neat block diagram.

Question 11: Describe UNIOUN and MINUS commands of interactive SQL with an illustration.

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Database Management System: Conventional file processing
Reference No:- TGS05196

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