
Conventional asset valuation models


Write an outline of 1-2 pages for a Literature Review on vital new step in understanding alternatives to conventional asset valuation models. Although you do not have to actually design a study to the point of specifying research measures of valuation of assets, entities, and opportunities or specify samples, try to evolve your thinking to the point of framing a relevant research topic, problem, and question(s) on which your proposed research would be focused.

Relevant articles:

Bahadir, S. C., Bharadwaj, S. G., & Srivastava, R. K. (2008). Financial value of brands in mergers and acquisitions: Is value in the eye of the beholder? Journal of Marketing, 72(6), 49-64.

Bloch, C. (2008). The market valuation of knowledge assets. Economics of Innovation & New Technology, 17(3), 269-284.

Bouwman, C. S. H., Fuller, K., & Nain, A. S. (2009). Market valuation and acquisition quality: Empirical evidence. The Review of Financial Studies, 22, 633-679.

Guest, P. M., Bild, M., & Runsten, M. (2010). The effect of takeovers on the fundamental value of acquirers. Accounting and Business Research, 40(4), 333-352.

Hoberg, G., & Phillips, G. (2010). Product market synergies and competition in mergers and acquisitions: A text-based analysis. The Review of Financial Studies, 23, 3773-3811.

Lin, G., & Tang, J. (2009). Appraising intangible assets from the viewpoint of value drivers. Journal of Business Ethics, 88, 679-689.

DiGabriele, G. A. (2008). The moderating effects of acquisition premiums in private corporations: An empirical investigation of relative S corporation and C corporation valuations. Accounting Horizons, 22, 415-424.

Gao, H. (2010). Market misvaluation, managerial horizon, and acquisitions. Financial Management, 39, 833-850.

Ivanov, V. I., & Xie, F. (2010). Do corporate venture capitalists add value to start-up firms? Evidence from IPOs and acquisitions of VC-backed companies. Financial Management, 39(1), 129-152.

Kallunki, J.-P., Pyykko, E., & Laamanen, T. (2009). Stock market valuation, profitability and R&D spending of the firm: The effect of technology mergers and acquisitions. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 36, 838-862.

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Finance Basics: Conventional asset valuation models
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