
controlling bleeding in this section we will

CONTROLLING BLEEDING : In this section, we will discuss methods of dealing with three types of bleeding:

(1) Severe bleeding

(2) Moderate and mild bleeding

(3) Internal bleeding

The first of these, severe bleeding must be attended to urgently. Although it is the third step in the general procedure for first aid, you must exercise some judgement here. Where a large artery is cut, stopping bleeding would be the first life - saving measure you would take. The second type of bleeding would usually be dealt with in the latter stages of the general procedure under localized injuries. The third type of bleeding cannot directly be dealt with by the first aider. While treating a patient, you should ask him or her when he/she last had an anti-tetanus injection. All technicians especially those working with soil or animals should have anti-tetanus injections every five years.


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Science: controlling bleeding in this section we will
Reference No:- TGS0266610

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