
control structuresthe control structures appear

Control structures

The control structures appear in both structured programming languages as well as object oriented programming languages.  The three constructs used are:

i).  Sequence: - This is when one statement is executed following another.

ii). Selection: -It involves making a choice between at least two alternative courses of action. In C++
      there are two ways of making selections.

  • The if statements


if  (condition)


with else being optional

  • The switch statements

The following is the general format:


Case value:  ;  [-----break;]


The switch is appropriate when a number of possible states of variable have to be evaluated at


iii). Iteration: - It involves repeating a section of code, for a number of times. In C++ it is achieved in
      three ways

  • for loop
  • while loop
  • do.....while loop.

In each case, there is a condition which allows the loop to terminate.


  • The for loop:

The for loop has three principle elements:
      9  The start condition

9  The terminating condition

9  The action which takes place at the end of each iteration Syntax

for(start condition; continue condition; re-evaluation) 






The following code segment outputs the squares of numbers one to ten

for(int i=1;i<=10;i++)


cout<<"The square of:  "<


  • while loop

It is used to execute a block of statements an indefinite number of times, for zero or more number of times (i.e. pre-test loop).


while  (condition)



  • do.....while loop

It is used to execute a block of statements an indefinite number of times, for one or more number of times and will execute at least once (i.e post-test loop).





} while  (condition); 

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C/C++ Programming: control structuresthe control structures appear
Reference No:- TGS0158511

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