Control of Environment:
Control of environment is essential for maintaining good health. Environmental factors which are basic to individual and community health are housing, water supply, unpolluted air, and sanitation. Control of selling of exposed food is also a factor. In our country. due to limited means, many of us have little choice in matters like, where we live, the kind of water we drink and the surroundings we have to put up with, either at home, in the place of work or at public places. Often. these are not proper for healthy living. Moreover, most people lack suitable knowledge about health or sanitary habits, and there are many unhealthy social taboos. All this is due to poverty and ignorance, in particular lack of adequate health education. The health status of an average Indian is very poor. Unfortunately, not many of us care to complain to the authorities against the filth around our houscs, on the roads, or in public places. Social action in this regard is also lacking.