
Contrast internal versus external secondary data sources



For this assignment, read the case study, "Running the Numbers: Does It Pay?" on page 466 of your textbook.

Once youhave read and reviewed the case scenario, address the following points, using thorough explanations and well-supportedrationale:

1. Compile a short literature review, summarizing the case study's main points, which might be used in this researchproject.

2. Apply the stages of the market research process described in Chapter 3 to how you might approach this situation.

3. Derive a hypothesis for each research question. Provide a sound rationale or theoretical explanation that leads tothe hypothesis.

4. Does this present Dr. Ray with an ethical dilemma in any way?

Your response must be a minimum of three pages, not including the title page and reference page. You are required to useyour textbook as a reference, as well as one additional source from a credible location. All sources used, including thetextbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations per APA guidelines.


For this assignment, read the case study 6.1: "Demand for Gas Guzzlers," on page 165 of your textbook.

Once you haveread and reviewed the case scenario, address the following points, using thorough explanations and well-supportedrationale:

1. Contrast internal versus external secondary data sources.

2. Utilizing this resource, as well as other secondary data, compile information about recent trends in SUVpurchases. Report what you learned, and forecast whether SUV sales are likely to recover or if sales will continueto decline.

3. From the standpoint of an automobile company, what sources of information discussed in Chapter 6 offer relevantsecondary data?

4. Are there any ethical implications of a company utilizing either internal or external secondary data?

Your response must be a minimum of three pages, not including the title page and reference page. You are required to useyour textbook as a reference, as well as one additional source from a credible location.

All sources used, including thetextbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations per APA guidelines.Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.


For this assignment, read the case study "Mazda and Syzygy" on page 231 of your textbook. Once you have read andreviewed the case scenario, address the following points, using thorough explanations and well-supported rationale:

1. What could Mazda learn from eye-tracking software that would be difficult to learn from other observationalmethods? Would this analysis be considered qualitative or quantitative research? What are the shortcomings ofusing eye-tracking software? What are the advantages?

2. Discuss the ethical issues involved with the use of observation research described in this case.

3. How might Mazda use questionnaires to evaluate the usability of the website? Would this be consideredqualitative or quantitative? What are the shortcomings and the advantages of using questionnaires?

4. Along with eye-tracking observation research and questionnaires, what other research methods could help Mazdaassess the usability of its website? Summarize your advice for how Mazda could use complementary methods toobtain a complete understanding of its website usability.

Your response must be a minimum ofthree pages, not including the title page and reference page. You are required to useyour textbook as a reference, as well as one additional source from a credible location. All sources used, including thetextbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations per APA guidelines

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Microeconomics: Contrast internal versus external secondary data sources
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