
Contrast how daoism and confucianism understand the dao


Compare and contrast how Daoism and Confucianism understand the Dao. Explain one way the two religions understand the Dao similarly, in terms of the central role the Dao plays in the goal of life. Explain one way the two religions understand the Dao differently. Explain how the Daoist concept of wu wei exemplifies the Daoist understanding of the Dao, and how the concept of wu wei relates to the Daoist idea that humans are naturally good and should avoid being bound by social structures in order to find harmony with the Dao. Why does the ideal of wu wei imply that living in harmony with the Dao will sometimes require us to act contrary to what is socially expected? Explain how the Confucian concepts of ren, li, and shu exemplify the Confucian understanding of the Dao. Be sure to explain each concept, and how each relates to the Confucian perspective on the Dao of primary interest. How do these three virtues (ren, li, shu) relate to the Confucian idea that humans are potentially good but need formal education/training in order to find harmony with the Dao?

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Reference No:- TGS03339691

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