
Contrast criminal procedure from criminal law

Question 1: In our textbook, Palmiotto states that knowledge of criminal law and criminal procedures is expected of all investigators. Contrast criminal procedure from criminal law. Which, if either, is most relevant to the investigator or are both equally relevant?

Question 2: In Chapter 2 of your text the idea of "weighted case screening" is discussed. Do you believe that this type of screening for investigations has value?

Question 3: In Chapter 3 of your text, the author describes a "crime puzzle." Do you believe the phrase "to find the truth of a matter" is missing from the description? Why or why not?

Question 4: Chapter 4 of your text mentions drugs/drug use as a consideration factor in interrogations. What is your position on drug use by interview subjects? What impact might drug use have on information being provided by a crime witness and how might drug use by the witness be overcome by the investigator?

Question 5: Confidential informants are an important part of investigation. There are some liabilities with confidential informants, however. One of those liabilities is what is motivating the confidential informant to cooperate with law enforcement. Why would an investigator seek to determine the motive of a confidential informant and, absent understanding that motivation, what damage to an investigation could occur when using a confidential informant?

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Other Subject: Contrast criminal procedure from criminal law
Reference No:- TGS03374047

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