
Contrary to much popular thinking globalization is not

1. ‘Contrary to much popular thinking, globalization is not killing the state, it is underlining its fundamental importance to political and economic life in the 21st century.' Critically evaluate this claim.
2. Is state capitalism better placed to cope with the challenges of globalization than other models of capitalism?
3. How effective are multilateral economic institutions at achieving their core organizational purpose? Answer with detailed reference to ONE institution.
4. To what extent have events since the 2008 global financial crisis challenged the liberal ideas that are so dominant in international economic thinking?
5. ‘The financial crisis of 2008 was not a case of markets failing, instead it shows how markets ultimately rectify their internal shortcomings.' Critically evaluate this claim.
6. Why has regionalism become such a popular strategy to cope with globalization?
7. ‘It doesn't matter that the WTO is unfair, as long as the overall economic benefits from trade liberalization are large enough, the WTO is doing its job.' Critically evaluate this claim.
8. ‘The primary reason that nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in the past 20 years has been capitalism and free trade.' Critically evaluate this claim.
9. Does the wealth of rich states require the poverty of poor states?
10. ‘The reason that climate change has not yet been adequately addressed is because markets have not been given sufficient scope to address the problem.' Critically evaluate this claim

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Science: Contrary to much popular thinking globalization is not
Reference No:- TGS01247963

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