Contract close-out:
Contract close-out begins with checking for physical completion, i.e., whether all services have been performed and products delivered. Closeout of a contract is completed when all administrative actions have been completed, all disputes settled, and final payment has been made. Contract close-out comprises both "physical close-out? and "financial close-out?. Physical close-out is achieved when contractor has completed all his physical work obligations as per the contract including rectification of all defects/deficiencies jointly identified by both parties.
Financial close-out is achieved when all amounts payable to and recoverable from the contractor are reconciled and the final payment is made to the contractor.
The amounts will cover many aspects like reconciliation of materials issued to/returned by contractor, recoveries for back charges, Liquidated Damages (LD) and so on. In summary, completion of all contractual obligations needs to be agreed by both parties after which the contractor submits the following certificates:
- Final discharge certificate.
- No lien certificate or an affidavit for lien.
In case dispute remains, the dispute is referred to arbitration in accordance with the contract provision and contract close-out is made on the basis of the arbitrator's award.