
continuous furnaceparts to be treated are

Continuous Furnace:

Parts to be treated are situated on several sort of conveyor that move into the furnaces as per to programmed heating cooling cycle. The time for unloading-loading is greatly saved and handling of job is decreased. For high production rate and better control of heat treating cycle these furnaces are more proper.

Salt Bath Furnaces

Salts baths utilized for heating ensure good control uniform temperature and high heating rates are compared to gas or air. The metals or molten salts have higher conductivity than gas or air. The salt might be heated from outside if it is non-conducting or via passing a low voltage alternating current among electrodes placed in the salt. Direct current is not employed since it is likely to reason electrolysis of salt. In between metals, lead is usually utilized. Wide range of temperature may be acquired from such baths.

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Mechanical Engineering: continuous furnaceparts to be treated are
Reference No:- TGS0207028

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