1. Using Google MapsTM, pan your map to (36.721365, -117.064679) coordinates. Zoom out from this area some and by looking at the aerial image of this region, what desert landform makes up the darker colors as seen on the alluvial fan?
2. Continuing with your analysis of the area located in Question 1, what do the linear markings on the faces of the fans represent?
3. Still continuing with your analysis of the alluvial fan in Google MapsTM, follow the fan up to the edge of the mountain. Does it appear that erosion or deposition has been more prominent at the top of the fan?
4. How can you tell that erosion or deposition has been more prominent?
5. Zooming out on your Google MapsTM location, does it appear that the alluvial fans in the area are creating a bajada?
6. Finishing your analysis in Google MapsTM, suggest a reason as to why the sizes of alluvial fans in the region vary in size.
7. Using the Dumont Dunes Quadrangle, what kind of sand dunes appear to be most common in this dune field?
8. How can you tell the type of sand dune identified in Question 7?
9. Analyzing the quadrangle of these sand dunes, from which direction does the prevailing wind blow and which way will the sand dunes continue to progress?