
Continuing education increases the adaptability of workers

Reply to this article using 200 words with references. The bible tells us in Proverbs 22:6 (The Holy Bible: New King James Version, 2013), "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." I believe this quote perfectly sums up why many professions, and not just computer forensics specialists, require continuing education. As times goes on our professions, materials and procedures will change with the discovery of new methods.

Continuing education increases the adaptability of workers and the fluidity of changes to industries by using instructional media such as programs, courses, camps, and conferences to train individuals in the most up to date policies (Rutgers, 2017). Continuing education is definitely needed in a world that is continuously evolving as fast as the tech industry. Computer forensics professionals should be required to follow a code of ethics and take continuing education due to the severity what their findings could do to someone else's life. This profession has the ability to put someone in jail for life (Pekarsky, 2017). Computer forensic professionals may be required to testify in a courtroom as an expert witness and their credibility cannot be called into question. Being an expert witness requires that these professionals be able to maintain neutrality, be impartial, and not influence any findings (DCBF, 2008).

Codes of ethics prevent this by giving a list of allowable behavior. Codes of ethics and standard operating procedures must be followed closely to preserve the chain of custody for evidence and prevent any form of tampering which could make evidence inadmissible in the courtroom. Without the training that is provided in continuing education courses, it could be hard for an individual to keep up with changes. These changes could make previously accepted policies obsolete and could open evidence collected via old methods to scrutiny, potentially making them unacceptable and rendering them useless even if the person collecting the information had no ill intentions.

References DFCB. (2008). Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. Retrieved from www.dfcb.org Pekarsky. (2017, March 21). 70-year-old Overland Park man pleads guilty to distributing child porn while posing as woman. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from https://fox4kc.com/2017/03/21/70-year-old-overland-park-man-pleads-guilty-to-distributing-child-porn-while-posing-as-woman/

Rutgers. (2017). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from https://lifelonglearning.rutgers.edu/faq The Holy Bible: New King James Version. (2013). Nashiville, TN: Holman Bible.

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