
Continuation of what youve done on porsches analysis you

Make a Case Study and Strategic Plan of Porsche's Analysis

Continuation of what you've done on "Porsche's Analysis" you need to make a Case Study and Strategic Plan of what you Read about "What's Driving Porsche? And History of Porsche AG - Funding Universe. From the perspective of an executive with the firm, prepare a strategic plan to grow the business over the next three years.

Your strategic plan must be future-oriented and must:

  • Describe Porsche's history and its 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion).
  • Explain the current situation of the organization in the market (industry, market, and general environment analysis).
  • Assess the financial performance and condition of the organization.
  • Conduct a continuation SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) to determine areas that offer opportunities for change.
  • Choose three or four areas from your SWOT analysis and explain why the areas you have chosen are essential to your strategic plan.
  • Describe your recommended organizational structure.
  • Explain your plan to measure the success of your strategic plan.

Your paper must be 10 to 12 pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages). In addition to the text, you must use at least five scholarly sources. Remember to incorporate information that you have learned from this analysis as well as your personal experience. 

Note: You can use your sources again and just add more scholarly sources.

Please see the two Article below: 

  • Henderson,R.,&Reavis,C.(2009,August25).What'sDrivingPorsche?Retrievedfromhttps://mitsloan.mit.edu/LearningEdge/CaseDocs/08-075-What%27s%20Driving%20Porsche.Henderson.pdf
  • HistoryofPorscheAG-FundingUniverse.(n.d.).Retrievedfromhttps://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/porsche-ag-history/

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Business Management: Continuation of what youve done on porsches analysis you
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