
Contextualize your research project

An annotated bibliography is a collection of critical research (news/journal articles, etc.) about a topic. Your bibs must be research on the topic of your final Disciplinary Literacy Paper. These sources are alphabetized, and annotated, meaning that there is a brief description and commentary after each citation. (See Bulletin of Bibliography series or other bib series — the library should have examples).

Bibliography Guidelines:

The bibliography should contain no fewer than eight (8) sources, and no more than ten, and should be no shorter than two full pages, and no more than four pages. (That means the entire bibliography, not the length of each annotation.) Quantity does not determine a better grade; quality, insightfulness, and thoroughness of annotations are what counts.

The bibliography and all citations must follow MLA format. This will constitute a LARGE part of your grade.

No more than four sources can be web sites, web e-zines that are published exclusively on the web, or an on-line archive (such as the U of VA literary archives).

NOTE: Articles digitized on-line (such as PDF articles found in ProQuest Search tool), but which still exist in

print form, i.e. it gives you the volume, issue, page #’s with the PDF, I will count as a Print source. Likewise, if

you encounter a full-length article on a magazine’s website, but the magazine exists in print (like the New York

Times, I count that as a print source, provided you provide all the citation information like page #, author, etc.) The bibliography must be alphabetized by author. Sub-categories are at your discretion.

MLA Format: (These are secondary, use your Handbook as your primary guide)

MSU has some on-line reference guides to supplement your handbook. Using MLA Format can be found here:



Annotation Guidelines:

Annotations must include all essential citation information (author, title,?publication/publisher, date, page numbers, date of publication and of retrieval access, if applicable) Please NOTE: MLA no longer requires URLs for website/online sources. I know this but please give me a URL anyway; this saves me about a day’s worth of work as I spot-check everyone’s sources.

Annotations should do the following:

a. Summarize the article, or the author’s critical stance.?b. Provide context for how this relates to your paper or the general topic.?c. Provide your interpretation of the source as useful, or not, and for whom. In other words, this is a question about audience and readership. Who is the intended audience of the source? Who’s it meant for??(I envision a short paragraph, maybe 5-7 sentences will do).

What to Annotate:

Annotations should be articles, books, web sites, on-line archives, related to your topic. In other words, secondary sources and criticism about your topic. If you are researching particular films or novels, e.g. any Disney movie for 150, Red for 145, (just examples) as your primary source material for your final paper, YOU MAY NOT ANNOTATE THOSE PRIMARY SOURCES ON YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY. I AM ASSUMING THAT YOU WILL READ OR VIEW THOSE PRIMARY MATERIALS THAT YOUR PAPER IS BASED AROUND. The annotations should be critical articles, film reviews, scholarly work, etc.

Ex. If you’re researching a film: reviews, analytical articles about the film would be appropriate. Or, if you are looking at gender construction related to masculinity: psychological/sociological articles, books by a masculinity critic, etc. might be useful.

You MAY NOT annotate any of the books, readings, or films we’ve covered in class/listed on the syllabus Some student samples:

Harrison, Kristen. “Television Viewers’ Ideal Body Proportions: The Case of the Curvaceously Thin Woman. ” Sex Roles . 48.5/6 (2003): 255-264. Print.

This article examines what the ideal female body is, and the psychology behind the proportions of this figure. College women’s and men’s exposure to ideal-body images on television was correlated with their perceptions of the ideal female bust, waist, and hip sizes and their approval of surgical body-alteration methods. For both women and men, exposure to ideal-body images on television predicted approval of women’s use of surgical body- alteration methods such as liposuction and breast augmentation. This article is intended for people who are concerned with the rapid increase of cosmetic surgery over the past years, providing valuable statistical information that is easy to understand and I feel it will be important in my research paper

“Eugenics Movement Reaches New Heights 1923.” Science Odyssey. 1995. PBS Online 17 March 2005. Web. 17 March 2010 . (Date of access as an example; place URL for me last)

Eugenics movement has been around since Gregory Mendal had crossbreeding pea plants. Since then eugenics has been sprouting all over the United States of. After World War II there was a lot of immigration and they wanted to keep undesirable traits inbreeding into our heritage. However the eugenics movement began to die down after the institutionalization of eugenics in Nazi Germany. The website gives background information about the Eugenics Movement in the United States. In my paper I hope to give historical information about eugenics and this will show how it’s been a part of America’s history.

Nemeth, Mary. “Nobody has the Right to Play God.” Maclean’s. 26 June 1995. Par 7. Infotrac Student Edition. Infotrac. MSU Lib., East Lansing. 17 March 2005 . Web. 17 March 2010. (place URL for me last)

Eugenics was once used in Alberta, Canada and other government to order the sterilization of people who were mentally defective to prevent the further birth of other defective baby. Eugenics was being used in this cased to seize the growth of populations with mentally retarded people. This article explains how this procedure is being used and it will help show how eugenics is being abused all over the continent. This will be relevant to me because I am hoping to discuss ethical reasoning behind Eugenics.

Muhammad, A. Akbar. “Gambia, Indonesia Ban Skin-Bleaching In Fight Against Cultural Imperialism.” Sun Reporter. [San Francisco, CA] 15 May. 1997: S 5. Print.

This article reviews the issue of president Suharto of Indonesia banning Indonesian women from participating in beauty contests. Most Indonesians viewed the appearance of Alya Rohali in the Miss Universe Pageant as a shame to Indonesian women, according to the Minister of Women’s Affairs. This article also reviewed issues of Gambia’s decree number 65, cited as the Skin Bleaching Prohibition Decree. Stating that the Decree needs acknowledgment from medical professionals, who could observe the long-term effects, both physical and psychological, of using these products. “If the spirit of this law can move across the continent, it will do a great service to our women who are victimized by the cultural imperialism that promoted the idea that lightened skin is better than the black beautiful skin with which God has blessed us”(5). This article is intended for Indonesians that want to know more about why the women are banned from participating in beauty contests. This article supports my papers claim that blacks are psychologically oppressed to believe that whiter is better. This article supports the position that blacks are victimized by society’s influence.


Each of you will present your annotated bib to the class to present to the class. Presentations should help to contextualize your research project. This in informal — we’ll simply go around the room.

Questions to Cover

• What is the Research Question or Issue you intend to research? ?

• What your thesis statement is shaping up to be? ?

• What are some sources you are looking at? ?

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