
Context of diverse practice settings

The focal point is on Elderly or Disabled population, please respond to the context below in 4-5 paragraphs or more. Please list citations or resources (Choose either elderly or disabled population as topic):

A) Appraise history of social welfare policy as it pertains to this population (Elderly or Disabled), discussing their specific needs from the social welfare program while explaining the role of the health and human service professional in the context of diverse practice settings.

B) Examine the history of human services profession as it influences contemporary health and human services practice and delivery. Analyze the strategies and interventions which are available to health and human services professionals.

C) Explain the changing nature of these helping processes as it relates to the access and delivery of health and human services for the target population(s) listed. Identify the types of resources currently available in your area for this population and evaluate the outlook of the human services profession as it influences contemporary health and human services practice and delivery.

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Other Subject: Context of diverse practice settings
Reference No:- TGS030048

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