Question1. Develop (i) a context diagram and (ii) a use case diagram to model the following functionalities of NetFlix.
Netflix is an online video/DVD renting company. A customer wishing to employ the Netflix service must first become a member by giving information like name, address, phone number, and credit card data. The member also makes user name and password. A member uses this user name and password to log in consequently. A member can perform one of two functions. First, he/she can edit a list of DVDs in his/her account. The list can have a maximum of thirty rank ordered movies. The member can add a new DVD to the list in any position in list, delete a DVD from the list, or change the rank ordering in the list. Second, the member can ensure the status of a DVD in his/her list. The status can be not shipped, in process of being shipped, shipped, or returned. Netflix ships out the DVD with highest rank directly after receiving a DVD back from the member. When Netflix ships or receives a DVD, it upgrades the list. A member can have a maximum of three DVDs at a time. At the end of every month, Netflix charges the customer’s credit card a rental fee for the month.
Make reasonable assumptions, if required.
Question 2. The following is process an account holder of eBroker, a discount online brokerage firm, uses to sell stocks.
The user first logs in by entering username and password. The system ensures that the user is a valid user using information from user database. The user enters the stock symbol. The system displays current price information for stock. The user enters sale transaction data like number of stocks to sell and price. The system checks whether the user has adequate number of stocks in his account to sell. The system makes a new sale transaction. The system informs the stock exchange regarding the sale transaction. The stock exchange informs the system (eBroker) when the sale is implemented. The system updates the user’s account. The system terminates the sale transaction.
Write a use case description for the above process. Comprise only normal flow of events and exceptions. Make any reasonable assumptions, if required.
Question3. Develop a data dictionary for the data contained in following order form.

Question 4: Draw a class diagram for the data maintained by a doctors’ office. Ignore methods for classes.
PatientInfo = PatientID + PatientName + PatientAddress + InsuranceCompany + GroupName + {DateOfVisit + Complaint + AttendingDoctor + Diagnosis + {Prescription} + ConsultationCharge} + AccountBalance
Prescription = PatientName + DrugName + Dosage + Quantity + Doctor
InsuranceInfo = InsuranceCompany + {GroupName + PatientCopay}
DoctorInfo = DoctorName + Specialty + BoardCertified? + {PatientID + {DateOfVisit + Complaint + Diagnosis + {Prescription}}
BoardCertified? = [Yes | No]
Specialty = [Family Practice | Internal Medicine | Oncology]
Question 5: Draw a sequence diagram which implements the following use case, and
Based on your sequence diagram, identify the classes, attributes and methods you will have in the class diagram for the system.
Make appropriate assumptions about the data required to perform each step in the use case
1. The student enters his/her student ID into the system.
2. The system validates the ID and displays the student information.
3. The student selects the semester for which he/she wants to register.
4. The system displays the list of department that offer a course during that semester.
5. The student selects a department.
6. The system displays the list of courses offered by the department.
7. The student selects a course from this list.
8. The system checks whether an opening is available for the student.
9. The system checks whether the student has satisfied the prerequisites for the course.
10. The system adds the student to the class.
11. The system increments the number of students enrolled in the class by 1.
The following problem domain classes are accessible in the class diagram: student, course, department, and semester. You can add extra classes, if necessary.