
Content theories of motivation

Question 1:

(a) Change has become an inevitable characteristic of organisational life in today’s competitive business world. Change can manifest itself in two forms. It can either simply take place to an organisation (unplanned) or it can be systematically planned.

What are the stages of planned change? Discuss in relation to Kurt Lewin’s model of planned change. Demonstrate your answer by an instance which you have come across.

(b) Managers and other change agents use numerous means for mobilising power, exerting affect over other people, and getting them to support planned change efforts. Discuss and illustrate out the major strategies for the planned change efforts and how do managers behave when applying these strategies.

Question 2:

“Employees are most productive and like their job when they feel their contributions are valued and their feedback is welcomed by the management. The reverse is as well true – an unsupportive atmosphere can lead to reduced performance levels and higher turnover for businesses.” Discuss and illustrate out how can management can create a pleasant work environment and build stronger relationships with their staff.

Question 3:

Should Management Development be responsibility of organisation only or do employees also have their say in it? Discuss and illustrate out.

Question 4:

A strong and positive culture assists develop the consensus required for organisations to cope well with changing environments.

Why is organisational culture significant for management to understand? Can organisations have values – please describe?

Question 5:

Compare the major process and content theories of motivation and explain their suitability in your organisation.

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Other Subject: Content theories of motivation
Reference No:- TGS08359

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