
Content analysis-media effects-two-step flow communication


This assignment is meant to contribute towards your Literature Review & Research Proposal Project. To fulfill this obligation you must meet the following three obligations: (1) establish how the selected article intersects with your research interests; (2) explain the central theme or relevance of the article; and, (3) explain how your tentative research project builds upon the contributions of this article. This assignment is graded as “credit / no credit.” Credit Relevance of selected article for research interests is clearly explained; central theme or contribution of the article is explained rigorously and concisely; how your tentative research project builds upon the contributions of this article is clear. No Credit Failure to meet any of the criteria above. —– Annotated Bibliography

This annotated bibliography is designed to build upon the course literature and contribute towards your Literature Review & Research Proposal Project. Each entry will be from a National Communication Association or International Communication Association journal related to the theoretical, methodological, or topical perspective most relevant for your intended literature review and proposed research project. You must settle upon a journal by week 3, and each entry into your annotated bibliography will come from the same journal. NCA Journals include: Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies; Journal of International and Intercultural Communication; Communication Education; Journal of Applied Communication Research; Communication Monographs; Quarterly Journal of Speech; Communication Teacher; Review of Communication; Critical Studies in Media Communication; Text and Performance Quarterly; First Amendment Studies (formerly Free Speech Yearbook); ICA Journals include: Journal of Communication; Human Communication Research; Communication Theory; Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication; Communication, Culture, & Critique.less

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Other Subject: Content analysis-media effects-two-step flow communication
Reference No:- TGS01438212

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