Contemporary Global Realignments, 1914 to the Present
1. Indian National Congress
2. Muslim League
3. Mohandas K. Gandhi
4. ahimsa
5. satyagraha
6. harijans
7. India Act
8. Ali Jinnah
9. Guomindang
10. Mao Zedon
11. Jiang Jieshi
12. Mukden Incident
13. Marcus Garvey
14. neocolonialism
15. Diego Rivera
16. Dollar Diplomacy
17. Good Neighbor Policy
18. GuardaNacional
19. Anastacio Somoza Garcia
20. Carmen Miranda
Study Questions:
• List and discuss three developments that promoted home-rule in India prior to World War II.
• How did the militarists gain control over the Japanese government?
• Identify and explain two central goals underpinning European economic policies in Africa after World War I.
• Briefly explain how Africa's "new elite" reshaped the continent.
• How did universities influence political activism in Latin America?