
Contact list project where the user enters first name last

Contact list project where The user enters first name, last name, street address, email address, phone number and notes.

Use Case Name: Enter a new person

ID number: 1

Actors: user

Preconditions: The user has chosen to enter a new person into the contact list Primary course: The user enters first name, last name, street address, email address, phone number and notes.

Alternate course: If the user leaves one or more of the fields blank, the person will still

be entered into the contact list.

Exception courses: If the user leaves the last name blank, then the person will not be entered into the contact list. If the list is full, the person will not be entered into the contact list.

Postcondition: The new person is stored in memory. When the user quits the program, the new person is saved to disk with the rest of the contacts.

Use Case Name: Print the contact list

ID number: 2

Actors: user

Preconditions: The user has chosen to print the entire contact list

Primary course: The system prints all information about all contacts to the console, sorted by last name.

Alternate courses: none

Exception courses: none

Postconditions: The contact list is printed to the console.

Use Case Name: Retrieve a person's information by last name

ID number: 3

Actors: user

Preconditions: The user has chosen to retrieve a person's information from the contact list by last name

Primary course: The user enters a last name, and the system displays all of the information that was previously entered on that person.

Alternate courses:

1) If there is no one in the contact list with the given last name, the system will display a message to the user telling her that.

2) If there is more than one person in the contact list with the given last name, then all of the people with that last name will be displayed.

Exception courses: none

Postconditions: A person's information is displayed.

Use Case Name: Retrieve a person's information by email address

ID number: 4

Actors: user

Preconditions: The user has chosen to retrieve a person's information from the contact list by email address.

Primary course: The user enters an email address, and the system displays all of the information that was previously entered on the person with that email address.

Alternate courses:

1) If there is no one in the contact list with the given email address, the system will display a message to the user telling her that.

2) If there is more than one person in the contact list with the given email address, then all of the people with that email address will be displayed.

Exception courses: none

Postconditions: All of the information about one or more people is displayed.

Use Case Name: Retrieve all people who live in a given zip code

ID number: 5

Actors: user

Preconditions: The user has chosen to retrieve all people from the contact list who live in a given zip code.

Primary course: The user enters a zip code, and the system displays all of the information on anyone in the contact list with that zip code.

Alternate courses:

1) If there is no one in the contact list with the given zip code, the system will display a message to the user telling her that.

2) If there is more than one person in the contact list with the given zip code, then all of the people with that zip code will be displayed.

Exception courses: none

Postconditions: All of the information about one or more people is displayed.

The following Use Case #***** would be "nice to have." This use case would replace the Use Case #***** as specified above. Do not spend any time working on this until you have a fully functioning program that satisfies the first 5 use cases.

Use Case Name: Enter a new person

ID number: 1a

Actors: user

Preconditions: The user has chosen to enter a new person into the contact list Primary course: The user enters first name, last name, street address, email address, phone number and notes.

Alternate courses:

1) If the user leaves one or more of the fields blank, the person will still be entered into the contact list.

2) If the user cancels out of the operation in the middle, the person will not be entered into the contact list.

Exception courses:

1) If the user leaves the last name and/or the first name blank, then the person will not be entered into the contact list.

2) If the user enters an email address that does not satisfy the correct syntax for an email address, the system asks the user to reenter.

3) If the user enters a phone number that does not satisfy the correct syntax for a phone number, the system asks the user to reenter.

Postconditions: The new person is stored in memory. When the user quits the program, the new person is saved to disk with the rest of the contacts.

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Programming Languages: Contact list project where the user enters first name last
Reference No:- TGS01719199

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