Consulting work can be done at prescribed intervals or as and when needed for placing an urgent order. For this purpose, subject lists are typed out from the cards in the "Books Selected" tray. Each list should be forwarded to the concerned subject expert with the request that he should return the list after considering every item and making his specific recommendation as to whether "approved", "rejected" or "deferred". Once the list is received back from the expert, you must carry forward the recommendations to the respective cards. Cards relating to the "rejected" items must first of all be removed and disposed of Cards of the "approved" items must be duly noted and removed to another tray labelled as "Books Approved". Cards belonging to the "deferred" items may be separately kept in another tray labelled as "Books Deferred". These items can be presented again to the experts whenever it becomes necessary.
Indents Passing:
As and when indents are received from experts or departments they must be subjected to the same process of scrutiny as described in section 7.3.3, (ii). Items found already available in the library or on order should be scored out unless additional copies are recommended. Clarification on this point can be sought from the indentor.
After scrutiny, the indent has to be costed. For this, the price of each item should be ascertained from proper sources and the total value involved estimated. The indentor should then be informed of the financial position through an Indent Noting Form.