
Consult your text lectures and or google searching for mis

A research project differs from traditional writing in that we will be using a structured methodology, the scientific method, to answer a question. This method is used throughout the world in both science and business applications to solve a problem. In graduate school, and in this project, we use the scientific method to research a question in order to either accept or reject the question. Specifically:

Just Because The Author Of The Article It Says It's So Does Not Make It So.

In general, this research based project attempts to find whether or not an assertion (statement) within the subject MIS article, turned into a research question, is accurate or factual. Finding outside articles that agree with the research question is appropriate but there is a need to also find outside articles that have other thoughts or contrast with the research question. Only through this approach where we have balanced points of views can we then either accept or reject an assertion made in the article.

Begin At The Beginning

While the first MIS essay was diagnostic in nature, it also helped us focus on this project. In order to start this project we have to choose a subject article that focuses on an MIS management issue. This does not include topics such as Google Glasses or that your computer won't boot. Consult your text, lectures, and or Google searching for MIS management issues. Once you identify an MIS management issue you are ready to get started. Do not hesitate to contact me for questions.

There are posted articles in the Assignments folder under this project to get you going. The scientific method article and the example paper are excellent resources. The example paper IS NOT PERFECT so double check yourself and these instructions for accuracy. But, the sample paper does show how to analyze articles. Please focus on the Analysis section as a concrete example for this writing and analysis style.

Research, for the purpose of this project, is all about using outside pro and con literature to compare and contrast that information against the research question. After we have chosen an MIS article to review we must then find a one sentence statement in the subject article to analyzed for accuracy. Once we find a statement that we can analyze we would then turn the statement into a question that guides our analysis. We will be validating the accuracy of the statement via the question and analysis. This is MUCH easier than it may first seem so try not to over think this instruction.

When developing a research question from an assertion in the subject article there may be a tendency to ad lib - add more to the question beyond the assertion. This makes the research invalid. The research question should directly address the assertion exactly. Just turn the statement into a question format without adding or subtracting information or variables.

Now that we have a question to analyze we would then consult other outside literature that discusses your question that can be used to either support or reject the question. You will need three articles that agree and three that disagree to perform your analysis. Thus, the minimum number of references is seven; one for the subject article, three for articles that agree with the question, and three articles that opposes the question.

If you cannot find outside articles that compare and contrast with the subject article's question then perhaps the chosen article is not controversial or stated well enough or the statement is too general and unfocused.

Choosing a subject article to analyze is very important. Here are the steps:

1. Choose an MIS management topic of personal interest.

2. Find a one sentence statement within the article that needs to be verified for accuracy.

3. Develop a one sentence research question. The best way to do this is to write down the one sentence statement then turn it into a question. Generally, this can be done easily by just adding "DO" or "Does" to the beginning of the statement. Be careful to not add anything else into the question. If the question is about moving company data to the cloud, for example, there is no need to expand on that topic with other words, variables, or personal thoughts. Put the question in a really small box and close the lid to extraneous information.

4. Find thee pro and three con outside articles useful to determining if the research question you developed can be validated.

5. Write your research project in a compare and contrast mode such as A agrees with B or A disagrees with B and state how or why. Justify your findings. No opinions please!

6. Write what you found (findings) and then a conclusion using supporting evidence in your research. Based on your analysis are you able to support or reject the basis of the research question.

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Management Information Sys: Consult your text lectures and or google searching for mis
Reference No:- TGS01006338

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